A great place to work is a safe place to work – HomeSafe360
We start with why, we believe together we simply make life better. What we do should make peoples lives better. The way we work is collaborative, we do our best work together. We are open, honest, trustworthy and fun. We are creative and are not afraid to think outside the box.
What is HomeSafe 360?
HomeSafe 360 is a radical new SaaS product that protects employees and ensures they are able to work safely from home whilst providing a safe and confidential channel to raise mental health and wellbeing concerns.
Built around a self-assessment workflow, HomeSafe 360 will ensure employers ensure 100% workplace compliance by asking homeworkers questions on their home environment and providing them with training and interventions to help them resolve their issues.
Once they have the app, employees complete a simple self-assessment of their home working environment. This involves a simple, guided process of multiple choice questions. After the questions, HomeSafe 360 will produce a Home Working Risk Assessment, identifying risks and providing training videos and guides to support them while they work.
Employees also have access to an “I need support” button that alerts admins. They can also check-in with their employer using the Check-In button. This button can be triggered manually but can also be scheduled to appear daily to monitor their wellbeing.
01 – Our product
Our product is ‘HomeSafe360’
It is a technology solution brought to life by WorkSafe360 LLP & The Mentor Group that will connect organisations and employees ensuring wellness and performance are both deliverable and measurable.
Its core purpose is to empower employees working in the office, at home or remotely to remain compliant with key policy requirements while ensuring their health, safety and wellbeing needs are met.
It provides organisational measurement and visibility of compliance to policies and assurance to all levels of the organisation that risks are identified and are being proactively managed to remain within an acceptable level.
02 – Our workflow
- Organisational area sets acceptable level of risk (ALR).
- Training material and question sets designed to ensure employee compliance will lead to the organisation attaining and remaining within the ALR within that area.
- Application deployed to workforce and training delivered.
- Employees complete the training and question sets resulting in a recorded and auditable risk assessment against each subject.
- Employees can reach out through the tool to SME’s for assistance and advice.
- Managers can understand compliance in real time within their organisation.
03 – Customer benefits
- The ability to provide real time compliance status against key areas with pre defined reports.
- A common and flexible approach to policy based compliance as well as other forms of training and employee engagement (pulse).
- The ability to manage and report on the safety of remote and homeworkers.
- The creation of a detailed understanding of the risks to employees and the effectiveness of controls. Leading to a drop in safety and wellness related issues resulting in increasing performance.
04 – Customer areas
The flexible question, response and content engines of HomeSafe360 mean once adopted by an organisation its very simple to include other stakeholder groups within the workflows increasing its value and ROI to the organisation.
- Health & Safety Including remote and homeworkers
- Physical Security
- Information Security
- Ethics and Whistleblowing
- Corporate Communication
- Facilities Management
05 – our market
Our market is global, with our stakeholders operating across all areas of an organisation.
The requirement to ensure objectives are met while ensuring the safety of employees is a legal, regulatory and moral duty that builds and supports an organisations brand reputation.
We have ensured HomeSafe360 is applicable to all market sectors and is sold in an ethical way ensuring its availability to SME’s, enabling safety, security and wellness become a level playing field.
We have identified corporate, business and SME as individual market sectors.
The addressable market is estimated to reach $5.41b by 2025 (zionmarketresearch:June2019)
06 – Our pricing
Check out our pricing tiers on the home page.
07 – Security & privacy
- HomeSafe360 operates across the AWS platform ****
- HomeSafe360 is able to work within the Microsoft Office and Teams environments and as such **security**
- HomeSafe360 is GDPR compliant